Vælg din plan
Vælg din plan
Du vil blive opkrævet for planen efter admin godkender din leverandørkonto
Bedste valg
Premium Plan
0.001965 BTC/ Måned[products] produkter
Ubegrænset indtægter
Transaction fee: 2%
Leverandør microstore
Crypto Emporium Premium Vendor Plan - For high volume sales and small to medium businesses.
Free to list
All products you list on Crypto Emporium are completely free
Managed Listing Process
You will be assigned a personal account manager to list your products on the Crypto Emporium marketplace. (Max 50 per month)
Unlimited Listings
You are able to have as many products as you want listed on Crypto Emporium at any time.
5 Featured Listings Per/Month
You can choose 5 listings to be promoted on the Crypto Emporium home page, through social media channels and email communications.
Telephone Support
You will have access to 24/7 support from Crypto Emporium staff for any questions or queries.